I'm going to do something that I haven't done on my blog before and talk about sex. It is the one aspect of my condition that I don't talk openly about, and I don't really know why. I suppose because even though it's 2014, we still don't really talk openly about sex as much as we might want, or need to. 

I need to get it off my chest to be honest. And I want to raise awareness of endometriosis and all it's burdens!

The problem is that sex hurts. Unfortuately, I can no longer have the care-free sex that I used to have, that many people take for granted. Sometimes I can't do it at all because it hurts too much, and the frustration and pain of it brings me to tears. 

I never really know how it's going to go. Sometimes I can be in some pain to begin with and I'm fine, but other times I am in little or no pain so I think I'm going to be fine and suddenly I feel like I'm being poked with horrible needles all over the place and the next thing I know I'm curled up in a ball in pain. Which isn't very nice for my boyfriend either as it makes him feel guilty, even though it's not his fault. 

Because of this, I can never relax 100%. Even if I'm okay, I know that with one wrong move I could end up in pain so I have to be very careful. I definitely still enjoy sex, and I'm determined not to let my endometriosis stop me enjoying it, but I do miss how it used to be, and I hope it's not always like this.

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